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Monday, May 7, 2007

Underrated Terrors from Masters of Horror

Undisputed masters of horror George A. Romero, Tobe Hooper and Wes Craven have directed wildly popular horror classics: “Night of the Living Dead,” “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and “Nightmare on Elm Street.” But these are not the only gems in these filmmakers’ treasure chests. All three have created other masterpieces, from early in their careers, that have been sadly overlooked by horror fans.
Here are some lesser known but chilling works from the horror triumvirate of Romero, Hooper and Craven. You won’t find any big-name actors or pricey special effects in these early movies. You will discover some truly unnerving films that deserve a second chance and (for some of us) a first look.

George A. Romero’s “Martin” (1977) is a horror film with a twist. You are never certain if the title character is truly the vampire he claims to be, or simply a mentally disturbed killer. What makes it so hard to decide is the way the film subtly blends classic vampire mythology with small touches that suggest Martin might in reality be an all-too-human psychopath. Like a traditional vampire, Martin has a taste for human blood, but in this film he has to resort to razor blades to retrieve it (because he lacks fangs.). Unlike other movie vampires, daylight, garlic, and crosses don’t bother him. So is he or isn’t he? Romero slyly never allows us to definitely answer that question. From its extremely disturbing and bloody opening on a train to its harrowing finale, Romero’s take on the familiar vampire genre is truly unique. Although ”Martin” is definitely worth a look, watching this graphic film right after dinner might not be such a good idea.

Wes Craven’s “The Hills Have Eyes” (1977) is in broad strokes similar to Tobe Hooper’s classic “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” (Both were also remade into inferior films in the last few years) Like “Massacre,” “Hills” features a group of people who are stranded in the middle of nowhere while being stalked by a weird family of psychopaths. Despite its derivative-sounding plot, “Hills” is actually surprisingly innovative and darkly funny. The film takes place in the sweltering hot Arizona desert which gives it a distinctive and other-worldly atmosphere. The ironic comment at the end of the film is that in order to survive one of the protagonists has to become a killer himself. Craven’s intense and gritty film is on par with his later bigger-budget work.

For those who thought the Bloomsburg Fair was scary, prepare to scream even more loudly at the horrors on display in Tobe Hooper’s “The Funhouse” (1981). This delightfully ghoulish film is about the mayhem that occurs when four teenagers decide to sneak into a funhouse after hours. Unfortunately for them, a crazy deformed killer also happens to live in the funhouse. Although the film’s plot is pretty standard stuff, the unique production design is what makes this film special. The funhouse itself, with its array of creepy mechanical puppets, is unsettling and truly creepy. Also surprisingly good is the monstrous make-up design by renowned make-up artist Rick Baker. Add some clever homages to “Psycho” and “Frankenstein” and some off-center supporting performances, and you’ve got an underrated classic.

Perhaps what is most impressive about these three little-seen films is that they are proof that when it comes to horror, less can be more. Much more. All three are examples of how innovative filmmakers can overcome tiny budgets, bare-bones special effects, and a lack of brand-name stars to create unique and powerful films. Finding these forgotten treasures was not easy. I had to sneak into a cemetery after midnight to unearth these forgotten films, as ghouls shrieked, zombies lurked, and werewolves howled at the luminescent moon. Luckily, now that all the hard work has been done, all you have to do is go to your local video store and rent these truly underrated terrors for yourself!

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